Ptosis (pronounced "toe-sis") is a condition where the upper eyelid droops over the eye. Surgery corrects the problem by shortening the muscle that opens the eyelid. In adults, this surgery is done under local anesthesia.
Once the weak and slipped muscle is found and reattached to the eyelid, you will be asked to open and close your eyes. This may be repeated until I am happy with the height and contour of the elevated eyelid. The surgery is finished once we reach this point.
You will go home the same day. There are no bandages or patches used. The stitches usually dissolve in one week.
There is a 5-15% chance that the muscle may stretch or overtighten after surgery. This may result in some unevenness in the result and can result in another smaller adjustment operation to get a better and more even result. The chance of having a second surgery is about 5%.
The incision is made in the lid crease so that it is hidden after surgery.
The main risks is bleeding and infection. You will need to ice your lids and take it very easy for 48 hrs after surgery and take antibiotics by mouth for 5 days.
Full recovery takes about 10 days. After the first 2 days , you can resume mild activities around the house. People return to work about 8-10 days after surgery. You will notice some itching on the incision over the first week and gently soaking the incision with warm water will help. You can begin the warm soaks about 4 days after surgery.
Once the weak and slipped muscle is found and reattached to the eyelid, you will be asked to open and close your eyes. This may be repeated until I am happy with the height and contour of the elevated eyelid. The surgery is finished once we reach this point.
You will go home the same day. There are no bandages or patches used. The stitches usually dissolve in one week.
There is a 5-15% chance that the muscle may stretch or overtighten after surgery. This may result in some unevenness in the result and can result in another smaller adjustment operation to get a better and more even result. The chance of having a second surgery is about 5%.
The incision is made in the lid crease so that it is hidden after surgery.
The main risks is bleeding and infection. You will need to ice your lids and take it very easy for 48 hrs after surgery and take antibiotics by mouth for 5 days.
Full recovery takes about 10 days. After the first 2 days , you can resume mild activities around the house. People return to work about 8-10 days after surgery. You will notice some itching on the incision over the first week and gently soaking the incision with warm water will help. You can begin the warm soaks about 4 days after surgery.